Maggio 18, 2018 | | Blog, Bevande, Ricette
The Violet Gin Fizz is a very romantic cocktail that will definitely make you swoon, which is why I’m planning on serving them at my viewing party of the Royal Wedding this weekend. This cocktail is a heady mixture of violet liqueur, violet syrup, raspberry syrup, tart lemon juice, gin, heavy cream, and an egg
Leggi di più Maggio 16, 2018 | | Blog, Dolci, Ricette
I love looking out my kitchen window this time of year and seeing the violet flowers blooming in my garden. These tiny flowers invoke very special memories for me. When I was a little girl I would pick tiny little bouquets of violet flowers and give them to my mom to be put in small
Leggi di più Maggio 10, 2018 | | Blog, Italian Food, Viaggio
It was the first day of our trip to Italy. I knew we were going to need a good breakfast to keep us going through the day on our tour of the Vatican. We were staying in an apartment in a 19th century building conveniently located near the Vatican Museums. It was also just across
Leggi di più Maggio 7, 2018 | | Blog, Italian Food, Viaggio
A Travel Guide to Rome and Southern Italy Over the next few weeks I’ll be doing a series of posts called Discovering Italy, where I’ll be exploring the city of Rome and the regions of Campania, Basilicata and Puglia in Southern Italy. I’ll be sharing with you everything I learned about the food, history and
Leggi di più Aprile 13, 2018 | | Antipasto, Blog, Dolci, Il secondo, Ricette, Insalate, Contorno, Primavera
A few years ago I invited some family and friends to join me for a special dinner on Easter Sunday. The table guests included my mom Kitty, a former Catholic nun for whom Easter celebrations were dear and her from church, Dorrie, who is like an aunt to me and the kind of person who
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